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My Stories

Welcome to my portfolio, where I showcase all my favorite stories I have created through multiple mediums. Explore my projects to see how I bring these stories to life


Banyu: The Water Spirit


Dear Billy: A Stranger Things inspired stop motion animation

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Celebrating South African art

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The Beauty of Gravity (a short poetry animation)

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Dear south africans: We are in a national state of disaster

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Xavia Outdoors TV Ident

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John Williams Tribute Edit (Animated)

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The Puppet Master (Paper Stop Motion Animation)

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AR Concept: Fantasia Garden Festival (Imagined Futures)

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Interpreting a McDonalds' Still Print Advertisement into a Motion Graphics


My V-Tuber

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Sci Fi Night with FinX Ident 

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Cult Leader by KiNG MALA Music Video Concept

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