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Whispers of Meaning Startup Campaign

Welcome to the "Whispers of Meaning" Campaign!


Join us on an exciting journey as we embark on a creative adventure in the realm of storytelling and animation. This campaign is a part of my final project in my third year of studying Audio-Visual, and its mission is to empower novice storytellers to master the art of visual storytelling and exposition.


What's Included in The Whispers of Meaning Campaign?

- "The Legend of Aegis" Trailer - A captivating short animated film that demonstrates powerful visual storytelling techniques, setting the stage for your creative exploration.



-  "Whispers of Meaning: The Art of Visual Worldbuilding in The Legend of Aegis" Book Teaser - An illuminating book that takes you behind the scenes of our animation, unveiling the secrets of storytelling excellence. Discover techniques that will transform your narratives.


Are you ready to enhance the quality of your storytelling and animation skills?

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-  and so much more!


Are you ready to enhance the quality of your storytelling and animation skills? 

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Discover everything the Whispers of Meaning Campaign has to offer!

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  • Discord
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